Archive for June 3rd, 2008


Updating your independent contractor agreements template

There is a very wide range of issues you can consider in determining how to structure and draft a consultant / independent contractor relationship.  I’ll be walking through some of these issues in a series of posts over the next several days, but they include:

  1. Understand the key differences between independent contractor and employee status.  These include issues ranging from tax withholding responsibilities and worker’s compensation coverage to other general liability issues.
  2. Reviewing the particular nuances of intellectual property ownership in an independent contractor relationship.
  3. Covering the general contractual elements found in typical independent contractor agreements.

In our business, we like to keep these agreements relatively straightforward, and we rely on templates which cover the key issues.  That said, we’re sticklers in terms of IP assignment and the like, as many venture-backed businesses are.

If you are looking for some outstanding independent contractor agreement samples or templates, I’ve highlighted an excellent resource of documents that were drafted by some of the largest companies and law firms in the country.