Posts Tagged ‘SEC filings


How to draft better agreements and contracts

One of the first things a transactional lawyer learns out of law school is that, when in doubt, finding something somebody else has written that could fit the deal structure you’re working on is your best bet in getting something turned around quickly.  In fact, entire industries (see:  knowledge management, enterprise search applications, etc.) have been built around this, with the legal industry being a natural consumer of these products.  For transactional lawyers, many have turned to SEC Filings providers.  The question is why, followed up with a quick “how can we do it better”?

The reason transactional lawyers have turned to SEC filings is that they contain SEC Exhibits, many of which contain material contracts that public companies are required to disclose to the investment community.  Here are a few relevant examples of meaty, deal-containing exhibits that transactional lawyers want to chew on and then reproduce in their own agreements:

Of course, the challenge is that it is a pain in the ass to find what you’re looking for from these exhibits unless you know exactly which company filed the exact type of document that you need to find.  Good luck there!  With some providers, you can do a title search within certain types of exhibits, but of course there you are hoping that the filing company gave a very precise title in some document filing tags to the specific exhibit you are searching within, regardless of the actual title of the agreement., from Practice Technologies Inc., makes it much easier by organizing all the legal agreements and material contracts by the type of document, and giving you powerful search tools to find them.  For example, if you are looking for a merger agreement, an executive employment agreement, or maybe a revolving credit agreement from public companies, you might find these within SEC Exhibits 2, 10, or 99 across a variety of filings, including SEC Filing Form 8-k, SEC Form 10-k, etc.  How do you know where to start? makes it easy by providing you with easy to use search forms for the type of document you want to find, regardless of the source.

I encourage all of you frustrated, efficiency-seeking lawyers to give a try.  While it’s not cheap (less than $70/month, and much less for longer term memberships), the leverage it will provide you in terms of finding the best documents drafted by the top law firms will be tremendous.  You’ll negotiate better deals, save hours in drafting documents or clauses from scratch (you can even find specific deal clauses from deals), and get the heck out of the office that much earlier while leaving behind happier clients.  Mention this post in an email to and they’ll even knock $30 off your membership, which you can cancel at any time.  (Fair disclosure – I co-founded this company.  I don’t get a kickback, but I will personally guarantee they take care of you on this.)

Have any better tips on finding and leveraging these types of legal agreements?  Comment away!