Posts Tagged ‘agreement provisions


Finding clauses in agreements and contracts

There are a few thousand people, consisting primarily of attorneys but also some deal professionals, who know about a truly remarkable search feature.  This is the ability to search agreement clauses for deal provisions within specific types of agreements and contracts.  The provider of this clause search service is, which also provides searchable access to millions of legal agreements and documents.  Even better, the clause search service is absolutely free.

To illustrate the value of clause search, which lets you search for deal clauses for specific types of agreements, let’s review a couple different types of termination provisions – one for executive employment agreements in which IRS Section 409a is discussed and accounted for, and the other is for termination provisions in merger agreements in which a superior proposal is received by the company to be acquired. 

Under the few search tools available, a lawyer or deal professional would need to construct a full text search which not only finds the type of agreement or contract needed, but that also drills into the termination clauses within the agreement to help you find exactly what you need.  Those tools simply don’t exist, except for, so what happens is that you spend hours looking for a couple of agreement clauses, rather than finding hundreds of contract provisions in seconds and then picking the right one.  

Here are the links to the two examples mentioned above (from the Clause Search tool at

1)  To find termination provisions dealing with IRS Section 409a in employment agreements, click here, then:

a)  Select “Agreements” from the Deal/Documents pull down menu

b)  Select “Employment Agreements” from the Specific Document type pull down menu

c)  Enter “termination” (without the quotes) in the “Clause Heading” search box, and

d)  Enter “409a” (with or without the quotes) in the “Clause Text” search box, and then hit Search

2)  To find termination provisions dealing with superior proposals in merger agreements, click here, then:

a)  Select “Mergers and Acquisitions” from the Deal/Documents pull down menu

b)  Select “Agreement and Plan of Merger” from the Specific Document type pull down menu

c)  Enter “termination” (without the quotes) in the “Clause Heading” search box, and

d)  Enter “superior proposal” (with or without the quotes) in the “Clause Text” search box, and then hit Search

You’ll find hundreds of very specific agreement clauses and provisions in both cases, and these are just two of the thousands of search opportunities across the ten million+ clauses that has already pulled and profiled from millions of top law firm agreements.